Retired Gold Miner Takes Up Art Again

I have always been artistic from the time I was a small child so naturally when I retired and the Covid Pandemic hit confining us in our home, I resorted to painting again to keep me occupied. A hundred paintings later, my husband is wondering what we are going to do with all of the artwork and my niece suggested selling on Etsy. To keep both of us sane (and able to move about our home freely) I've opened up an Etsy shop.
Summers here in Angels Camp are pretty warm, so I spend my spare time when I'm not golfing, painting in my downstairs art studio (previously our Pool Room). The process of creating artwork, in this peaceful place, makes me calm and gives me focus. My primary art is acrylic pour painting which I sometimes embellish with either an airbrush or hand painting. I have also worked in watercolor and some oil paints.
Taking up a new career is not something new to me. I studied Geology in college and worked as a geologist in the oil fields and the gold mining industry. I did a short stent making gold jewelry, but I've spent the majority of my work life in a biotech company that created unique methods for delivering drugs more effectively to the body. After getting my real estate brokers license, I sold residential real estate in the San Francisco Bay Area for about 12 years and retired a few years ago and moved to a small town in California's Motherlode called Angels Camp where I now create my art.
I hope you have enjoyed viewing my artwork!

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